Our Council
Council Introduction
Who we are and what we do.
Things to be aware of or take action to.
Christmas and New Year services 2024-25
Council Offices and Libraries
Where to find us and contact numbers.
Council Management Team
Council's Executive Leadership Team.
Elected Representatives
Who represents you and their contact details.
Vote Ruapehu: Local Elections for the Ruapehu District
Information on Local Body and General Elections.
Live, Work, Play in Ruapehu
Live, Work, Play and Thrive in Ruapehu.
Event Planning and Support
Fees and Charges
Fees and Charges for Council services.
Forms and Brochures
Official Forms and Brochures.
Policies & Bylaws
Copies of Council Bylaws and Policies.
Key Council documents including Plans, Reports and Strategies.
Council Tenders including Abandoned Land.