Electoral System and the Opportunity to Change It
Changing the Electoral System
On 23 August 2023, Council resolved to use the “Single Transferable Vote” system for the 2025 and 2028 Local Government Elections. In accordance with the Local Electoral Act 2001, this decision continues in effect until either a further resolution takes effect, or a poll of electors takes effect.
Council can resolve to change the electoral system to be used at the 2031 and 2034 Local Government Elections or conduct a binding poll on the question, or electors can demand a binding poll.
Council must, not later than 19 September in the year that is two years before the year in which the next triennial Local Government Elections is to be held, give public notice of the right to demand a poll on the electoral system to be used for the elections of the local authority and its community boards.
A poll can be initiated by at least five per cent of electors signing a petition demanding that a poll be held. Once changed, an electoral system must be used for at least the next two triennial general elections, i.e., Council cannot change its electoral system for one election and then change back for the next election.
As of 27 August 2022, the number of electors for the Ruapehu District was 8,451, comprising of:
- 76 Nominees
- 34 Ratepayers, and
- 8,341 Residential Electors.