Successful Candidates - the next step
Inaugural Meeting
The successful candidates will take office on the day after the Electoral Officer gives official notification of the result of the election. However, no person is permitted to act as a Member of the Ruapehu District Council before making a declaration.
At the first meeting of the Council and Community Boards immediately after the elections, the Mayor, Chairperson and Elected Members are required to make an oral and written declaration which must be signed by the Member and witnessed by either the Mayor, Chairperson, a Member of the local authority, the Chief Executive or in the absence of the Chief Executive, some other officer appointed by the chief Executive.
The inaugural meeting of Council is expected to be held in late October or early November 2022. Newly Elected Members will be contacted by staff with the key dates.
The business to be conducted at that meeting will include:
- The making and attesting of declarations required of the Mayor and councillors;
- A general explanation of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and other laws affecting Elected Members;
- The fixing of the date and time of the first ordinary meeting of the Council, or the adoption of the schedule of ordinary meetings;
- Appointment of the Deputy Mayor.
Declaration by Mayor and Councillors
I declare that I will faithfully and impartially, and according to the best of my skill and judgement, execute and perform, in the best interests of Ruapehu District Council, the powers, authorities, and duties vested in or imposed upon me as mayor (or as a member) of the Ruapehu District Council by virtue of the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, or any other Act.
Community Board Members
Community Board members are required to make a similar declaration.
The business to be conducted at the inaugural meeting of Community Boards will follow a similar format as the Inaugural Meeting of Council.
Opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills
Ruapehu District Council will run in-house induction courses for all newly elected members.
Local Government New Zealand will also be running regional workshops during late October and November. Ākona is LGNZ's professional development platform that all successful Elected Members will have access to throughout the term to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Things to know once you're elected
See a handy collection of thoughts and tips from LGNZ's Young Elected Members' Committee