Work on connecting the Hakiaha St/SH4 water main with Taupo Rd will cause some disruption to drivers during the construction period which is scheduled to take around three weeks.
Completing the connection requires contractors to dig an open trench across Hakiaha St/SH4 to install a steel sleeve to hold the new water main.
At various stages drivers to and from Taupo Rd will not be able to use the Hakiaha St/SH4 connection with Taupo Rd on either side of the overbridge while the trench work is underway.
A 24-hour detour will be in place via Maata St, Taitua St, Paraone St, Wackrow St and Thompson Ave for access to Taupo Rd and stop/go traffic management will operate during work hours for drivers using the overbridge.
Executive Manager Infrastructure Vini Dutra said that the original plan was to use directional drilling technology and tunnel under the road to minimise any disruption.
“Unfortunately, the drilling discovered large amounts of buried rubble requiring a change of plan and the digging of an 'old fashioned' open trench,” he said.
“The digging of the trench and steel sleeve installation will be done in stages with traffic management in place to ensure the least disruption to road users and residents as possible.
Currently the trenching project is scheduled to take three weeks however this is dependent on no other unforeseen issues arising.
Meanwhile Veolia is installing the last two of 11 new 180mm water main valves which are situated at each Hakiaha St intersection with connecting roads.
The new valves will enable better control and management of the reticulated network in the CBD area as well as providing new fire hydrant connection points.
Veolia expects to be able to start commissioning the Hakiaha St water main at the end of the month.
Once complete the new 180mm Hakiaha St water main will form a ring main with the new 450mm water main along Bell Rd via connections under Short St and the main trunk rail line.
The Bell Rd main is an independent trunk main from Matapuna reservoir to Rangaroa reservoir designed to ensure water supply if there is any pipe failure within the CBD area.
When finished these works will help dramatically improve the resilience of the Taumarunui water infrastructure network,” he said.