Ruapehu Libraries
eMovies - Beamafilm
Access to free streaming of more than 1000 movies.
Free Internet and WIFI Service
All Ruapehu libraries have free computer use and 24/7 WIFI access
Home Delivery Services
The library offers a home delivery service for members who may be house bound.
Library Catalogue
Books and other resources available at Council libraries.
Library Membership
Ruapehu library membership is free
Mobile App
Take the library with you wherever you go. Download from the Apple App Store or Android Google Play
Online Research Databases and Historical Research
On-line resources include Ancestry Library Edition, Generosity, PressReader and Epic databases. Microfilm copies of Taumarunui Press, Plateau Gazette and Taumarunui Gazette, dating from 1906-1987
School Holiday Fun and Learning
Every school holidays our libraries have fun activities to do. All free!
What Our Libraries Offer
Ruapehu libraries offer a wide range of services and activities. Check them out!
Your Neighbourhood
Fun activities for the kids all around Ruapehu.