Our Services
Abandoned Vehicles
A-Z Services
List of Council services.
Building Services & Information
Building services information including Building Consents and access to online services.
Cemetery and internment information including a guide for headstones.
Civil Defence & Emergency Management
Management and preparedness for civil emergencies.
District Plan and Resource Consents
District Plan and Resource Consent information.
Do It Online
Information and links to online services including giving feedback, requesting services, property & rating searches and online payments.
Water Services
Council three-waters services for drinking, storm and wastewater.
GIS Mapping
Information and link to online GIS mapping.
Health, Alcohol and Food
Information and applications for alcohol, food and health licences.
Land Information Memorandum (LIM)
Land Information Memorandum (LIM) Report information and applications.
Official Information Request (LGOIMA)
Applications for official information under the Official Information Act and Building file information requests.
Rating information including Rate Remission Policies.
Regulatory Activities
Information on regulatory activities including Council's strategy, building services, compliance, resource management and licencing.
Information on Council land transport activities, documentation and strategies.
Rubbish & Recycling
Refuse, reuse and recycling services including plastics, food scraps (composting), kerbside collection and reuse shops.
Waste Minimisation Services and Education
Workshops and educational resources for helping whanau and communities minimise their waste footprint, help our environment and save money.