Drinking Water Supply
Ruapehu District Council is responsible for supplying safe water to approximately 5,500 connections for household and commercial water use in the District.
Council provides a sustainable and quality water supply to connected communities for domestic and commercial use. We regularly monitor the quality of water and plan for the needs of the District as a whole, and individual communities within the District, including any maintenance and upgrades needed to retain service levels.
Water supply is funded by a targeted rate charged to ratepayers able to connect to a Council scheme, which funds operation and maintenance of the water supply scheme.
With such a valuable resource Council are committed to using water efficiently and protecting it from pollution on its journey to the sea.
Bylaw Links
Form Links
- Application for New Water, Sewer or Stormwater Connection - 2020 writeable
- Build Near or Over Council Services - final June 2019
- Watercourse information sheet Final July 2019
Asset Management Plan Links
Brochure Links