Rates Remission applications
Council has a range of Rates Remission Policies designed to support ratepayers in various circumstances.
Applications for Rates Remissions must be received by Council for processing before 1 May to be applied to rates for the following financial year. (Note: Council’s financial year starts on 1 July and ends on 30 June each year).
Available Rates Remissions
This remission policy aims to provide rates relief for Māori land due held under traditional ownership structures or in circumstances that supports Māori connections to their traditional lands. The Policy aligns with the Local Government Act 2002 and Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. (Click on heading for application form)
Remission of Charges on Contiguous Properties
This remission policy aims to reduce the Uniform Annual Charges (UAC’s) on properties that are utilised as one combined functional unit. (To apply email:info@ruapehudc.govt.nz)
Remission of Charges on Non-Contiguous Properties
This remission policy aims to reduce the Uniform Annual Charges (UAC’s) on properties that are not side by side, but used as one functional unit within the same township. (To apply email:info@ruapehudc.govt.nz)
Remissions for Clubs and Societies that are 50% Non-Rateable Under the Act (LGRA)
This remission policy aims to help keep our community clubs and societies thriving by providing rates relief for organisations with partially non-rateable status. (To apply email:info@ruapehudc.govt.nz)
Remissions for Community Organisations that are Fully Non-Rateable Under the Act (LGRA)
This remission policy aims to provide relief of service charges to fully non-rateable community groups. (To apply email:info@ruapehudc.govt.nz)
This remission policy aims to support housing development by providing temporary financial relief on new subdivisions until properties change hands. (Click on heading for application form)
Remissions for Low Value Remote Properties
This remission policy aims to provide rates relief on land that is small (>100ha) very low value, no commercial use, remote and difficult to access. (To apply email:info@ruapehudc.govt.nz)
This remission policy aims to provide relief to ratepayers who are experiencing extreme financial hardship. (Click onheading for application form)
This remission policy aims to provide relief of Uniform Annual Charges (UAC’s) to a second separately used or inhabitable part of a rating unit that is unused or used as an extension of the household. This also includes unused sections. (Click on heading for application form)