The Rating Information Database (RID) records all the information about properties necessary for the setting and assessment of rates.
The Funding Impact Statement in the Annual Plan will be applied to the information in the RID to determine rates for 2024/25 year.
Pursuant to Section 28 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 (the Act), the RID for the Ruapehu District is currently available for inspection. The RID may be inspected, during normal opening hours, at Council Offices.
Extracts from the RID will be posted, faxed or emailed (pdf format) to ratepayers upon request.
Pursuant to Section 29 of the Act, ratepayers may object to the completeness and correctness of the information in the RID.
Any objections to the RID need to be received by Council in writing by Friday 14 June 2024.
A RID Objection Form can be downloaded from the Document Links panel below
Objections received by this date that result in a correction to the RID may affect the 2024/25 rates set. Objections received after this date that result in a correction may not be applied until the following rating year (2025/26).
If an owner wishes their name, or postal address, or both to be withheld from the RID, a written application, pursuant to Section 28C(2)(a) of the Act, must be made to Council.
Any questions on the Rating Information Database should be directed to the Rates Team at Council by phoning 07 895 8188 or 06 385 8364, or emailing [email protected]