Official Information Request (LGOIMA)
If you are not satisfied with the information provided under LGOIMA, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your request made under the Privacy Act you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.
LGOIMA Calculator
Agencies are obliged to respond to requests as soon as reasonably practicable and no later than 20 working days after the date of receipt. Use the official information calculators to estimate the response time for an official information request.
Official information requests over the holiday period
For official Information requests (Local Government Official information and Meetings Act 1987), the holiday period starts 20 December 2024 to 10 January 2025 (inclusive).
This affects requests received on or after 22 November 2024, Use the LGOIMA calculator to see the latest date you can expect a response.