Council Management Team
The Ruapehu District Council Management Team comprises six Executive Managers reporting to the Chief Executive. The executive team oversee specialist activity areas lead by a Team Leader with operational staff and contractors.
Some core day-to-day operations are outsourced to larger contractors who are able to bring technical expertise and economies of scale. The Executive Managers and their teams manage these contracts. This includes:
- Waste Management and Minimisation - key contractor Envirowaste
- Land Transport - key contractor Inframax supported by smaller roading contractors
- Three Waters - key contractor Veolia
Other activity areas including community and economic development, regulation and compliance, human resources, community property, civil defence, information technology, libraries, customer services and communication and media are run in-house.

Clive Manley Chief Executive
Email: Clive| Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn: 303

Vini Dutra Executive Manager Infrastructure
Email: Vini| Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn: 206

Lyn Hura Executive Manager People, Capability & Safety
Email: Lyn| Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn: 230

Sharon Robinson Executive Manager Regulatory & Customer Services
Email: Sharon | Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn: 208

Pauline Welch Executive Manager Community & Economic Development
Email: Pauline| Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn: 246

Paul Wheatcroft Executive Manager Communications
Email: Paul| Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn: 261

Sonny Houpapa Executive Manager Mana Whenua Relationships
Email: SonnyI Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn: 273

Quentin Speers Executive Manager Finance, Strategy and Governance
Email: Quentin I Phone: 07 895 8188, Extn 279