Mon 16 Mar 20
Steering Group guiding Ohakune master plan development
Ohakune's township revitalisation journey has taken a major step forward with the establishment of a Steering Group that will provide leadership and guidance to the project.
Comprising representatives from Council, the Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board, Ngati Rangi, Ohakune2000 and consultants Boffa Miskell the Steering Group met last Friday (13 Mar) to agree the process for developing a strategy and master plan.
Mayor Don Cameron said that it was very exciting to have the Steering Group established and Ohakune's revitalisation journey visibly picking up again.
Council's commitment has been to support communities on their journey which has included in this case engaging Boffa Miskell as the external project facilitator.
The Steering Group has agreed to hold a series of workshops to help inform the development of the master plan that will set out a clear future direction while providing the opportunity for the community and other stakeholders to have their say.
At this stage the public workshops have been scheduled for late April or early May.
In Ohakune the community responded enthusiastically to being able to take part in the early revitalisation discussions and we anticipate that they will want to have further input at the public workshops when they occur.
Please keep an eye on the local media and Council's Facebook page or website where the workshops and other project updates will be communicated, he said.