The Ruapehu Bylaw
The Ruapehu Bylaw consolidates three old bylaws:
- The Public Places Bylaw
- The Public Health and Safety Bylaw
- The Animal Control Bylaw
The objective of the new Ruapehu Bylaw is to have a bylaw document that is easier to read and use.
The Public Places Bylaw
This covers the following areas:
Public safety and nuisances (includes such things as Trading in Public Places, Skateboards, Freedom Camping, etc)
Refuse, litter and offensive material
Liquor control Advertising signs and commercial property maintenance
The Public Health and Safety Bylaw
This bylaw regulates a diverse range of activities including such things as hoarding, public health hazards, food safety, cemeteries, open air fires, body piercing, amusement galleries, etc. It seeks to protect the public from nuisances, minimise the potential for offensive behaviour and to protect and promote public health and safety within the District.
Animal Control Bylaw
This bylaw regulates the control and keeping of dogs, cats, other animals, poultry and bees, and to regulate the control of feral cats.
Please click on this link to access the Ruapehu Bylaw 2022 document
The Ruapehu Bylaw 2022 covers the following topics:
Relevant Statutory provisions
Transitional Provisions
Offences & Penalties
Fees & Charges and Recovery costs
Public Safety
Refuse, litter and offensive material
Parks & Reserves
Verandahs over public places
Scaffolding, hoarding and deposit of building materials
Council Cemeteries
Amusement devices and galleries
Beauticians, tattooists, body piercers and nail technicians
Food Grading
Other Animals