How to Apply for a Resource Consent
The Ministry for the Environment website contains a useful guide to the process.
Pre-Application Meetings
Council's Resource Consent Team provides free advice on the consent process, including guidance on whether we anticipate written approvals are required from neighbours.
We can also provide advice on whether there is a need for other consents from Council (e.g. a Building Consent or Alcohol Licence) to ensure that your project runs smoothly.
Forms and Information
You will need to provide the following information:
- Resource Consent Application Form.
- A detailed site plan and any other plans necessary to understand the application.
- The Information Requirements chapter of the District Plan provides guidance on what information needs to be shown on your plans.
- Certificate of Title (less than three months old). If you do not have a recent one, Council can obtain one for you.
- Information required under the Fourth Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991.
- Information required under the District Plan.
- Resource Consent Fees.
The above information requirements are generic. With simple applications, you will not need to provide the same level of information as you would with a complex application. Please feel free to contact the Resource Consents Team about the level of information required in relation to your application.
The Ministry for the Environment has produced guidance on "Consultation for Resource Consent Applicants".
The Resource Consents Team is happy to provide guidance on who is likely to be considered an affected party prior to the application being lodged. However, a full assessment of affected parties can only be undertaken once the full consent application is lodged.
Lodging Your Application
Post, deliver or email your application to Council.
You will also need to pay the deposit. This can either be paid over the counter or by internet banking,
What Happens Next?
Initially, you will receive an acknowledgement letter and, once all the required information has been provided to Council, a Planner will prepare a report on your application.
A decision will be made on whether your application needs to be notified - either by advising a limited number of parties (known as Limited Notification) or by advertising the application publicly (known as a Public Notification). If required, a hearing will be held. Note that most applications are decided without the need for a hearing.
You will be notified of the progress of your application at each of the above stages and members of the Resource Consents Team are available to provide you with information regarding each stage.
If no hearing is required, you will be advised of Council's decision, generally within 20 working days of lodging your application and complied with any requirements to provide information and neighbours' approvals.
The implementation of all Resource Consents is monitored to ensure compliance with the application and any conditions imposed on the Consent. Monitoring incurs a cost and is a requirement of the Resource Management Act.