Community Engagement and Consultation
Special Consultative Procedure
The LGA sets out a community consultation process that must be followed when Council is considering significant issues.
Where required to use Special Consultative Procedure (SCP) Council must:
- Prepare and adopt a Statement of Proposal and a Summary of the information
- Endure the Statement of Proposal is publicly available
- Make the summary of information as widely as reasonably practical as a basis for general consultation
- Give public notice of the proposal and consultation being carried out with and provide persons interested in the proposal with details of the opportunity to present their views to the Council, the period within which submissions on the proposal will be received (which must not be less than one month)
- Ensure that any person who makes a submission on the proposal is sent a written notice acknowledging receipt of that person’s submission, and
- Ensure that all written submissions are made available to the public.