Previous Election Results
Ruapehu District Council 2022 Triennial Elections FINAL Results
2022 Triennial Elections: FINAL RESULTS 13 October 7PM
The Final Result for the Ruapehu District Council elections held on Saturday 8th October is as follows.
The final votes confirm:
- Weston KIRTON is declared elected as the new Mayor for Ruapehu
- Robyn Gae GRAM, Janelle HINCH, Viv HOETA, Lyn NEESON, Rabbit NOTTAGE and Brenda RALPH are declared elected for the Ruapehu General Ward
- Channey Duncan Turoa IWIKAU, Fiona KAHUKURA HADLEY-CHASE and Korty WILSON are declared elected for the Ruapehu Māori Ward
- Anthony GURR, Eddie MARSTERS, Simon O'NEILL, Murray WILSON and Peter ZIMMER are declared elected for the Ōwhango-National Park Community Board
- Kay W HENARE, Luigi HOTTER, Colin PAKAI, Angel REID and Stu ROBINSON are declared elected for the Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board, and
- Molly JEFFRIES, Luke PEPPER, Aroha RUDKIN, Sophie STOCKBRIDGE and Oriwia WANAKORE are declared elected for the Taumarunui-Ōhura Community Board
Details of the Final Results can be found on Council’s website:
Ruapehu District Council 2022 Triennial Elections Preliminary Results
2022 Triennial Elections: PRELIMINARY RESULTS 9 October 7PM
The preliminary result for the Ruapehu District Council elections held on Saturday 8th October is as follows.
The preliminary vote returns confirm Weston Kirton has been elected as the new Mayor for Ruapehu.
Ruapehu’s three new Māori Ward Councillors have also been confirmed as Korty Wilson, Channey Duncan Turoa Iwikau, and Fiona Kahukura Hadley-Chase.
Ruapehu General Ward Councillors Lyn Neeson, Robyn Gae Gram, and Rabbit Nottage have been confirmed. The inclusion of Saturday’s votes sees Janelle Hinch, and Brenda Ralph elected with Viv Hoeta elected subject to the Special Votes due on Thursday 13 October.
The results confirm Peter Zimmer, Simon O’Neill, Murray Wilson, and new members Eddie Marsters, and Anthony Gurr have been elected to the Ōwhango-National Park Community Board.
After initially tight progress results, the preliminary results show the Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board will comprise incumbent Luigi Hotter and new members Colin Pakai, Angel Reid, Kay Henare, and Stu Robinson elected subject to the Special Votes due on Thursday 13.
The Taumarunui-Ōhura Community Board will comprise five new members of Luke Pepper, Aroha Rudkin, Oriwia Wanakore, Molly Jeffries and Sophie Stockbridge.
Details of the Preliminary Results can be found on Council’s website:
A final declaration of the election results will be published Thursday 13 October when the remaining Special Votes have been included.
Ruapehu District Council 2022 Triennial Elections Progress Results
2022 Triennial Elections: PROGRESS RESULT 8 October 3:30PM
The progress result for the Ruapehu District Council elections held on Saturday 8th October is as follows.
This result is based upon the counting of approximately 90% of the returned voting papers. The progress result does not include some special votes and voting papers returned today that are still in transit to the processing centre. The outcome of these elections may change once all voting papers have been counted.
The progress vote returns show that Weston Kirton has been elected as the new Mayor for Ruapehu with 1,495 votes, polling ahead of Mayoral Candidates Elijah Pue (1,126), Adie Doyle (901), and Fiona Kahukura Hadley-Chase (211).
Ruapehu has three new Māori Ward Councillors being: Korty Wilson, Channey Duncan Turoa Iwikau, and Fiona Kahukura Hadley-Chase.
Ruapehu General Ward Councillors Lyn Neeson, Robyn Gae Gram, and Rabbit Nottage have been successful in their re-election, however the votes for Janelle Hinch, Brenda Ralph, Viv Hoeta and John Chapman are too close to call at present and may change after Saturday’s votes are counted for tomorrow’s preliminary results.
The Ōwhango-National Park Community Board sees Peter Zimmer and Simon O’Neill successfully re-elected. Murray Wilson, previously Councillor for the Ward, has also been elected to the Community Board. They are joined by new Community Board members Eddie Marsters, and Anthony Gurr.
Voting for the Waimarino-Waiouru and Taumarunui-Ōhura Community Boards have also been tight with many seats still too close to call. Waimarino-Waiouru incumbent Luigi Hotter has been re-elected along with new member Colin Pakai, whilst new members Luke Pepper and Aroha Rudkin have been successful in their election to the Taumarunui-Ōhura Community Boards
Details of the Progress Results can be found on Council’s website: Progress Results
What the results stages mean
Progress results
Progress results will be made available as soon as practical on election day and are expected to be available on Saturday 8 October from 2pm as reconciliations and quality assurance checks are completed. Results could change.
Progress results include votes returned up until Friday 7 October. Votes hand delivered on Saturday morning 8 October and all Special votes are not included and will still be in transit to the Chief Electoral Officer.
Preliminary results
Preliminary results include all ordinary voting papers including hand delivered votes on Saturday morning 8 October. Special votes are not included.
Preliminary results will be available once all sealed ballot boxes have been returned and processed.
Preliminary Results are anticipated to be available in the evening of Sunday 9 October 2022* after the last ordinary voting papers that were delivered to Council offices prior to the close of voting have been received and processed. Results could change.
*Due to the number of votes being processed, this may be late evening or at worst, early Monday morning.
Final results
Once all special votes have been validated by the Electoral Commission, we will announce the final results.
We anticipate final results being released on Thursday 13 October 2022, however, because vote counting using Single Transferable Vote is multi-part, it is likely to take longer than for First Past the Post election results.
The Final Results include all votes, including special votes, returned by 12 noon on Saturday 8 October.