How To Apply For A Temporary Road Closure (For An Event)
Planning an event that requires a Temporary Road Closure
Ruapehu District Council is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all roads in the District that are not State Highways.
Council aims to encourage and accommodate community events. Our main concern when approving events is the safety of all road users, including the event participants and organisers.
Organisers planning an event on the road should contact the nearest Council office via email or (07) 895 8188.
Organisers must obtain the approval of Ruapehu District Council and/or New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).
Important Information
- Allow sufficient time for the event to be assessed. Submitting the application at least two months in advance is recommended, as applications for Temporary Road Closure MUST be advertised at least 42 days prior to the event.
- In SPECIAL cases, Council can approve road closures in less time. These circumstances will be deemed EXTRAORDINARY.
What events are included?
- Any event that will increase traffic to a particular area (sporting fixtures, concerts).
- Any event that will require access to be restricted to areas of roads (street parades).
- Any event that will put unusual traffic on roads (races, fun-runs, car rallies, parades).
Applicants must provide the following information:
(Please find Application form here)
- Name and contact details of applicant.
- Name and contact details of event organiser if different to applicant.
- Purpose of event.
- Date of event.
- Roads/parts of roads requested to be temporarily closed including intersections affected (indicated on an attached map).
- Start and finish times of requested Temporary Road Closure.
- A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) developed by a qualified professional.
- Traffic management must be implemented by trained people under the control of a qualified Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS).
- Council also requires event organisers to take out public liability insurance for all events that take place on roads.
- If any businesses are affected, Council will require the applicant to produce written proof of their consent and approval.
On receipt of application Council will:
- Submit the application to the relevant Community Board or Ward Committee for Approval. Applicants are welcome to speak in support of their event.
- Advertise the Temporary Road Closure in a locally published newspaper.
- The applicant will be notified if any objections are received.
- If no objections are received, the Chief Executive will make a decision under the delegation from Council on the Temporary Road Closure approval.
- If the approval is granted, Council will then notify emergency services, New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and, where necessary, transport companies.
- The Temporary Road Closure Approval will be sent to the applicant.
Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
Council will take traffic management seriously. If you do not have a TMP, your event will not proceed. If the right signage or trained marshalls are not provided, the event will be shut down. This seems fairly 'hard-line' but people and motorist safety is the first priority.
The Regulations Council uses for Temporary Road Closure
- Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965
- Tenth Schedule Local Government Act 1974