National Park
Have your say on Te Pou Matariki
To provide feedback on the Draft Community Revitalisation Plan 2024 - Te Pou Matariki click on the banner below or use the Quick Links table.
Feedback closes on Wednesday 26 June 2024
National Park Village
The Journey so far
2016 Township Revitalisation meeting
National Park's revitalisation journey started with Council meeting with National Park stakeholders on 12 September 2016 as part of our commitment to the revitalisation of Ruapehu townships. The meeting highlighted the desire of National Park Progressive Association to refresh their community plan as well as looking at other issues around improving the attractiveness of the village.
2021-31 Long Term Plan
In 2021 The National Park Village Progressive Association submitted the updated Village Plan for the development of National Park. Prior to this, Council had allocated $1,000,000 toward the revitalisation of the National Park in the 2021 LTP. The November 2 2021 meeting of the National Park Community Board established a steering committee to oversee the Town Revitalisation, with nominated community and community board representatives.
2021/21 Key Developments
- Footpath development Millar Street
- Footpath development Caroll Street north
- New soft fill - playground
- Dark Sky webpage
- Structural Plan
- Hall upgrades (including new roof)
2023 - Consultation on vision, identity and priority projects
Consultation with the village, community/business groups, iwi, residents, ratepayers, and out of district owners took place over July/August 2023.
In September a community hui was held to hear about the consultation feedback and discuss priority projects for the village and the next steps for developing the Town Revitalisation Plan for the village. The priority projects identified were a skate park and pump track, community use of the school pool and renovation of the building, community hall renovations, as well as the possibility of a memorial garden and a community garden. The Town Revitalisation Steering Group will consider these projects for recommendation to the Community Board for funding.
At the hui there was also general agreement with the community feedback that the village needed a clearer sense of identity and vision. More mahi will be done with the community to determine a vision and identity on which the Town Revitalisation Plan will be based.
2024 - Te Pou Matariki Draft Revitalisation Plan
The Steering Group has brought together all the feedback from last year to create an action plan for the village and are now wanting feedback on the draft revitalisation plan - Te Pou Matariki.
Te Pou Matariki is a plan where everyone can have a role in bringing the community together to make amazing memories, build village pride, and leave a legacy for our kids and grandkids.
A copy of the DRAFT Community Revitalisation Plan 2024 - Te Pou Matariki can be viewed from the Document Links panel below.
To have your say on the draft plan use the banner above or Quick Links panel below.
Survey close Wednesday 26 June 2024.